Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Most of our drivers are usual nuance; they speak a lot, for every occasion and even follow our sighs. At times, some would rather disparagingly ask if we are all happy with our work and it usually follows up with brief and precise questionnaires on our weekends. In their minds, we all have ecstasy nights, pills and all. I appreciate such engaging talks but at times, it distracts him from the actual service he ought to provide us. Add to this, his antics in the road; ‘A social malice’, I curse thus, every time our cab whizzed past another vehicle.

Speed thrills but kills! Whoever has said that, I always try to share this simple thought with every driver. Most of the time, I find myself a timid crawler, with no respect for time and speed of our so-called new generation. They said they kill the time. Sometimes, I am too worried about their real intentions; I could only beg them to drive sane and in control. I don’t think any of us would need to kill the time!

In fact, I am famous with all the transport POCs in our organization. They all know my name, my employee code and even how long do I talk in phone while coming to office. Obviously, our beloved drivers must have described how I professed and how do I look like including some parts of my daily routine, like talking in the phone, a brief nap, few transpiring gaze at the girls from within the glass pane and my favourite songs.

One benefit of working with a BPO is, conveyance is free. Free pick-up and drops, at the doorstep! But sometimes, it irritates so much that I wanted to walk myself; both ways from home to office and office to home.

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