Thursday, November 20, 2008

Spare Bullets!

I have no words,
Either to loathe or damn the curse
Of being born in Manipur!

So many bad dreams,
But not a single nightmare, and
Each day, a promise here and there;
It's bad.

If you can't digest, or even
If you can't annihilate what's infested in my veins,
Why you need to wield a gun?

Believe you me;
It's all pain in the name of resistance.
Believe you me;
We have blood in the veins.

It seems:
You have spare bullets for each of us
And wanted us to wake up late.
You know,
It's not safe to stay awake,
Late in the night.
You might remember,
It's when dark that do they hunt;
Or may be:
He wanted to check the grim reality;
No, ask his mother:
He was only a child with some responsibilities.

Are you afraid of his words, or
Are you a bastard?

Look around,
He is still here, next to you.

He smiles at you, at you.


thangjam & thangjam said...

This is cool.

Just wanted to share a poem in our blog. Have a look.

Jayanta Oinam said...

thats lovely piece. i like it more for the imagery. it can't be ignored.

in fact, had we know uncertainties and possible disintegration of life from the cradle itself, there would have been more subtle graves than scorned and demised.

love it.

Jayanta Oinam said...


and i love your family photo.