Saturday, September 19, 2009


being a god
he must have known from a long time back
it is not easy waiting for the sacrifice
man are handmade specimens
not borne off any promised womb
as he has been made to belief
through the ages
from the flood of seeds
to the drought of fear
but, man are sewed from the bits and pieces
though through lies and imitation
and feed into the wombs
like a living ghost in the streets
waiting for its gestation
waiting to be accepted as human
and even thinking of an altar;
and poor god
he is also just another dreamer
he doesn’t know
there is no sacredness in man’s secret rituals
offering him demons
in his own image
for every occasion
in death and birth
god, as he did so many times
moves his mask in intrepid sacrilege,
it seems to him,
the sacrifices that we offer
completes the scheme of existence
in unison and truth
but he is a fool
waiting for sacrifices
in these times of horror
all impure and fake
even for a lesser mortal
even in the meekest of meekest gloat
even in the cruelest of seasons
even in the lousiest market of bidding
you will find the offerings
apt and genuine
waiting for a sacrifice here
it deserves you a rebuttal
in the face of your own creation!

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