Thursday, September 11, 2008

Is my God your God!

Is my God your God!

It says, God is one. For some years, I was happy thinking God is only one and He knows everything; who is good or bad, who is sincere and who is lazy and he judge everything by a common parameter. But I was wrong. This has been observed that there are lots more of Gods. And my belief is rather convincingly proven by fact that people fights in the name of religion. My God is more powerful than his God, my God is more helpful then your God, etc. etc.

Here, my sincere undertaking is to project my own God as innocent, simple plain God. I don’t want sacrifices being offer to my God. It would be scurrilous to my God himself.

Must be a joke!

Whatever it might be, I have known this much that people kill each other in the name of religion and drank blood to purify the butchery.

May be my God is different from his God.

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