Thursday, September 25, 2008


Sometime ago, I was made to think that Love is just another bullshit. Bullshit. Much earlier, before such famished thoughts started to inhabit in my mind, I was of the believe that Love is serene, it’s beautiful and we can do everything for it. I was in the same disposition until recently; one and half years or two years to the present. Everybody has a bad morning, I knew. But, for me, one bad morning wasn’t enough. Love wrecks life and people die. And those who are weak and fragile like love itself, just crumble. I know I am weak.

Ever thought like calling a name, so loud the whole universe listen to your voice…Ever wonder if the monsoon rain has more rain drops than your tears or, ever hold a photograph like your own heart that it starts to beat…Heart aches!


I am still carrying on, living everyday!


sadsadas said...

Life teaches you many lessons. One of the biggest lessons is art of "moving on" and "never to look back".

Learn to move else you'll be left behind.

Thangjam Hindustani said...

And my friend, know that this too, will pass...God bless you and give you strength.