Monday, February 5, 2007


In the closest proximity, this few letters smell something audacious to SPELL in the right sequence. Don’t do it, in reality it sounds much obvious to think about: a brazen thought that inherits what we had actually wanted to ignore … letters or word.
“French Connection United Kingdom”, I don’t know if “fcuk” rightfully deserves to represent the previous words. But it surely arouses the buyers. And I wonder how someone could spell the right acronym for “French Connection United Kingdom”. It was strange, on my part, to try and read and then find a sense of it. I have seen it quite regularly these days. Some are so prominent; I can’t resist the enticing font and the letters, obviously! At times, I find it odd trying to rearrange letters in an order that my mind can inculcate.
There are few labels that seem noble and readily acceptable. But “fcuk” is strange. I know people buying stuffs that have a label “fcuk” in it, only for the sake of “fcuk”. Sometimes, I doubt if…Is it ONLY me who is uncomfortable seeing this label?
To shed this inhibition, I have recently bought a shirt that has a label “fcuk”. Good stuff! Then I try putting it on and see myself in the mirror. The label’s more prominent than I thought. Reading “fcuk” on my shirt, err on my body, it sounds something else. I am not that bold.
But I still have that shirt it reads “fcuk me”.
And I still remember the piece that I left at the store: “possibly…the best fcuk ever”.

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